Category: Volunteer/Contribute

Reading Partner Training

Interested in helping our multilingual students enhance their English reading proficiency through AG’s new reading partner program? Volunteer reading partners are asked to commit 10-15 minutes each week to one student for consistency. Times are flexible to meet volunteers’ schedules. Additional 20-minute training sessions are being offered at the following days and times: Sessions will […]


Recruiting New Volunteers for the Bulldog Club!

The Bulldog Club is designed to elevate the Athletics Program at AGMS but has many other roles such as maintaining athletic fields and purchasing FIT equipment for all students to use. Volunteers would be able to help in a variety of roles throughout the year. If you are considering helping the Bulldog Club, please contact Megan Kobal […]


Become a School Media Advisor

AG’s Media Coordinator, Mr. Steven Jacobs, is looking for two parents to join the School Media Advisory Committee. This committee will meet several times this school year to approve literacy initiatives and give feedback on book purchases. If you might be interested, please email Mr. Jacobs at


Volunteer as a Reading Partner

Principal Conner has instituted a program for multilingual students to enhance their English reading proficiency with staff and parent volunteers. This involves practicing reading to the same student for a short period of time (10-15 minutes) each week.  Are you interested? Please attend one of the training sessions that will occur at 9am, 11am, and 1pm on Friday, […]


Volunteer in the Front Office

Please consider volunteering your time this school year to help our amazing front office staff. Shifts are approximately two (2) hours a month. This is a great way to get involved and truly help make a difference in our school!  For information, contact Abby Hedges by email at or by phone at 704-488-0637.