AG Fall Clubs

We have eight exciting after-school club options to offer students this Fall! To register for a Fall Club, students may bring completed applications and payment to the cafeteria during lunch on Thursday, September 27th, Friday, September 28th, or Monday, October 1st. OR register on-line through Thursday, October 4th.


New Dates for Curriculum Night and TD Parent Meeting

AG Curriculum Night (6:30pm) and the Talent Development Parent Meeting (5:45pm), originally scheduled for Tuesday, September 19th have been rescheduled to Tuesday, October 2nd.


Your AGMS Back to School Checklist

As a reminder, all PTO back-to-school forms were due last Friday, September 7th. If you have not yet submitted your forms, please visit the link below to access and submit the required forms.


School Supplies Outreach

Please consider purchasing extra school supplies to support our students with back-to-school needs. Donated supplies will be shared with students at both AGMS and our partner school, Sedgefield Middle. If you are shopping online, purchase extra supplies from our  Amazon wish list here .  Or, consider providing some of our most needed items: Target and Walmart gift cards, 3″-4″ large binders, paper, dividers, […]


Summer Reading Projects

AG students have an assigned reading and mini project to complete this summer. While we hope that the students’ summer reading will encompass more than just one novel, the selected reading will be used for the project. Books on the list need not be purchased, unless you choose to do so; they are available at the […]


Back to School Supply Drive

This year while out purchasing supplies for your child, don’t forget to pick up extra items to donate to AG students in need. If you are shopping online, purchase extra supplies from our Amazon wish list. Collected supplies will be shared with students at both AGMS and our partner School, Sedgefield Middle School.


Health Information – Attention 6th Grade Families

Letters went home the week of May 7th to students who are in need of the two immunizations required before the first day of 7th grade. If your student receives these immunizations before the last day of school (June 8, 2018), please send in a copy of their immunization record to either the school nurse, Mrs. […]


Bulldog Club Fundraiser

The Bulldog Club on-line fundraiser is off to a great start! Through your generous donations, we have raised over $19,000 of our $25,000 goal! We are hoping to raise enough money to do a major main field renovation this summer (June-September 2018). The scope of work includes stripping, grading and sodding the center third of […]