The class of 2027 Moving On Ceremony will take place Friday, 6/7 at 1:30 pm at the MPHS Gymnasium. Dress code is business casual. Please note: Students must pass all core classes and Spanish IB to attend
The class of 2027 Moving On Ceremony will take place Friday, 6/7 at 1:30 pm at the MPHS Gymnasium. Dress code is business casual. Please note: Students must pass all core classes and Spanish IB to attend
National Junior Honor Society is now accepting applications for new members. Rising 7th and 8th grade students are able to apply if interested. Students can access the application on Canvas. All applications are due by Friday, 5/31. Students and parents will be notified through email if accepted by Wednesday, 6/12.
Proctors needed for end of year testing! Please support our students’ end of year testing by volunteering to proctor our EOG/EOC testing sessions. We could use your help for as many testing sessions as possible. You will attend one training session, your first day, in the media center at 8:30. Breakfast will be provided. Please click HERE.
This year’s Spring Sports Banquet will be held in the AGMS gymnasium on Wednesday, 5/15. Athletes and their families are invited to attend.
MVPA # 3 reports should have come home this week. These provide a potential score on the end of year assessments. Please review the Achievement Data Score section with your student. The achievement level provided in the report are projections for how your student will perform on the end of the year assessments based on their […]
AGMS School Counselors will hold a virtual information session Wednesday, 4/17 at 6:30pm to discuss the course registration process for rising 7th & 8th graders. You can find the AGMS Registration Website at: bit.ly/AGMS-Register Click here to join the meeting!
AGMS is launching “Sprinting into Spring” during the month of April, after our return from Spring Break. Show your spirit by participating! Themes for each day are listed in the flyer.
The AG online store for shirts and hoodies will be open Monday (3/25) through Friday (4/12). Show your school pride and purchase some merchandise during the final online purchase window for this school year. To access the online store, CLICK HERE!
Miki Osherow, Director of the Charlotte Ambush, will be holding an interest meeting for the Fall AGMS Girls Field Hockey Club team. The meeting will be held on Thursday (3/21), 4:30pm in the AGMS gym. For more information, please EMAIL miki@charlotteambush.com.
Attention parents/guardians of rising 7th graders: The following immunizations are required for all 7th graders in NC – Tdap and meningococcal by the 1st day of school in August 2024. If your student receives these immunizations before the end of the school year, please provide your student’s updated records to the school nurse. Atención padres/tutores de los futuros estudiantes […]