Please check the lost & found area in the cafeteria and gym for any missing items by Thursday, June 1st. Any items not picked up will be donated.
Please check the lost & found area in the cafeteria and gym for any missing items by Thursday, June 1st. Any items not picked up will be donated.
The AG Band Spring Concert will be held Tuesday, May 23 at 7pm at Myers Park High School in the Auditorium. Students will wear their band t shirt and black pants/bottoms. Black jeans are acceptable to wear. Help is needed to move chairs and stands before and after the concert and to assist with the sign-in […]
The testing window for end of year tests is May 25-June 9. This year we will test according to our regular schedule, instead of by EOG Content area. Students will test with their content teacher. Students will be responsible for bringing a charged Chromebook and cord to school each morning of testing. Testing will last approximately […]
The CMS Transportation department is busy planning for our 2023-2024 bus rider needs. If there is any chance your child will use bus services for the 2023-2024 school year, you must fill out the below survey. If you plan on using the bus for the first day of school, you must have this form completed […]
The Sports Awards Ceremony for the Winter and Spring sports teams will be held in the gym on Thursday, 5/11 at 5:15pm. Athletes and their families are invited. Students are encouraged to dress their best!
LAST DAY TO ORDER A 2023 AG YEARBOOK IS MAY 21 Please VISIT Jostens to purchase your child’s book now. EMAIL Autumn Sweet with any questions.
AG’s May Day-Play Day will be held Monday, May 1, 5-7PM. This will be a fun family event open to all of our feeder schools and Carmel Middle. We have lined up several food trucks, a DJ and inflatables. We will cheer on our girls/boys soccer teams and baseball team while enjoying performances from various AG […]
SWOOZIE’S SPIRIT EVENT Stop into Swoozie’s on Friday, 5/12 and support AG. This is the perfect time to pick up last minute Mother’s Day gifts. Hope to see you there!
We need your help! Please sign up to proctor during our End of Grade test days. AG needs: CLICK HERE to grab a spot via SignUp Genius Thank you for supporting our school and students!
Save the Date for the AGMS May Day-Play Day. The May Day-Play Day will be held Monday, May 1, 5-7pm, during the boys/girls home soccer and baseball games against Carmel. This will be a fun family event open to all of our feeder schools and Carmel Middle. We have lined up several food trucks, a DJ, […]